Friday, August 31, 2012

Lia and the dandelion

Yesterday walking to the car, I loaded Jonathan in as usual while Lia came down the steps. When I finished I saw her blowing on a seeded out dandelion. And for a second I thought, "oh great. This will be a fight to the seat." Then I looked at J asleep in his seat, and Lia having such joy with this little flower. I remembered reading about giving your child opportunities to go slow. We were just going to the grocery. Thats it. For the whole day. Why was I hurrying? J was in the car sound asleep with the doors open. He was happy. Lia was happy. So I just waited with her. She couldn't quite blow it hard enough and eventually asked, "mommy do it?" Then we picked three for the car and off we went. It was great. Plus the time I spent enjoying her would have been about equal to the time it would take me to chase her to the car and wrestle her into her seat...all while tears flowed about the dandelion. Sometimes toddler turtle speed is okay...or at least you have to make it okay.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Just being kids...

Lia in her frilly dress giving me a big hooray. Jonathan practicing his ring routine for the 2036 Olympics.

P.S. We are all sick here. :(

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Countdown

Lia and I are counting down the days to preschool since open house was yesterday. I told her today she needed to pull up her own pants after going to the potty so she could go to preschool. Needless to say, she did and promptly asked to go right then. This is my girl who cried when we had to leave preschool yesterday.

So to help her see when she gets to go back we made a paper chain. Lia cut the strips, painted the paper, and decorated them with stickers.

It's 11 days till she goes...she's ready, I'm not sure I am.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hi. My name is Becky and I'm addicted to Pinterest. I have no plans to quit. It gets me through episodes of Peppa pig.

That is all.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Yesterday afternoon after dropping off dinner to a new mom, the kids and I were in a car accident. A young man made a foolish decision to pass two cars at once on a double yellow. I was one of those cars. What he didn't know was I was turning left. The result was him hitting us in the drivers side.

I do remember screaming, from myself and Lia. I remember jumping over the passenger seat because our doors wouldn't open. After getting to the kids I was able to focus on the business.

I truly didn't settle until today. I had a fitful night and wasn't sleeping. Seeing my babies happy and smiley today helped. My head is slowly healing after smacking the window. I have a few bruises, very minor. I am thankful that the kids are okay...and I never wanna do that again!

Monday, August 6, 2012