Monday, February 20, 2012


Lia is officially two years old! My sweet little girl is growing like a weed. Since we've been busy bees, here's what's been up in a nice neat list...

1. Lia's birthday and party which means new toys with lots of parts to spread around, not to mention weeding out the baby stuff!

2. First Steps. This has involved evaluation, paperwork, scheduling, and arguing with our soon to be ousted pediatrician.

3. Getting the kids' room started. Mostly just shopping at this point. We bought all our paint, a very expensive venture. I've also got some super sassy red accessories. I can't wait to get this going.

4. Little brother getting check ups, which is really my check ups. Also, getting him some clothes.

5. Working with Lia and her eating. No new break throughs since the cereal eating. She is doing a rockstar job at the spoon too. Go Lia!!!

6. Valentine's Day was tucked in there somewhere. The family hung out together. Lia dined on peanut butter, her favorite, while David and I enjoyed. Parm crusted chicken with fettuccine alfredo. It was a special occasion so we splurged big time on the calories there.

7. Of course all the small stuff was still going on and we were fitting that in. Like refinancing our mortgage to a 15 year, mopping floors, and other awesomely fun stuff like that.

8. Having this picture of Lia.

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