Wednesday, April 25, 2012

38 days and counting...

Am I nesting? According to my husband, yes, and more so than with Lia. And I freely admit it because stuff needs to get done around here! What have I done in the past couple of days? Here you go...

Cleaned out and organized the linen closet. I still need to label the new baskets in there. But trust me if was a mess before!

Cleaned out and organized our closet. I also went through my clothes and donated three bags and a giant torrid clothes. This explains the empty racks on my side of the closet. I did not take a photo of David's although it's pretty neat too.

Found the baby bottles, uncluttered a cabinet in the kitchen to make room for them, and found the new nipples I bought for them.

Today is packing the hospital bag and organizing the kids bathroom, and going through my cubbies in the kitchen.

May the nesting continue until birth so my house is amazing before I bring home Baby J.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Becky . . .You are nesting. It is worse before the second one comes. The month before Thomas was born, I went into a cooking frenzy. I made and froze TONS of soup and stuffed green peppers. I made a wonderful Mulligatawney Soup the day before he was born. :)
