Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Weekend to Remember...

It started out so nice with David coming home early on Friday and plans for family coming over on Saturday. But I was feeling a bit off. I struggled through the day until about five when I told David I needed to lay down. Long story short I started getting violently sick and continued to do so for a good 12 hours. In the morning I was miserable, unable to keep down water, and on my way to the hospital. It took five tries to get an IV in my arm because I was so dehydrated.

I was feeling better by the next day, just in time for David to get sick. Luckily he wasn't as bad as me, but that's not saying much. We are thankful that Lia is showing no signs of feeling bad. But I feel bad for keeping her inside pretty much all weekend. She's such a good girl!

Anyway, here's a picture of my war wounds and Lia occupying herself since Mommy and Daddy couldn't do it.

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