Friday, March 16, 2012

Ups and Downs

The Ups

1. Our OT for Lia is a genius. She gave Lia an "all done bowl." now when Lia is done she puts her food in there instead of chucking it on the floor. She loves her little bowl. I highly recommend this if you have a thrower like us!

2. Lia got a sand and water table. She is starting to play in the sand. It's awesome. We taught her how to clean her hands as she plays so she is even touching the sand with her hands. Big steps!!!!

3. This weather! Playing outside every day, flowers blooming, birds chirping it doesn't get much better!

4. My MOPS secret sister liked her door hanging. I thought it was super cool, but my hubby asked me if she would like it. Needless to say, my confidence failed. But it was all good!

5. And to piggy back on the weather thing...playing outside means less playing inside. Toys are more fun because they aren't the only entertainment. And the house is cleaner because we are spending less time in it!

The Downs

1. With therapy, David doesn't get to see the techniques and I forget to mention things until they come up. So we keep doing our best, but it isn't easy. But I love that he is so willing to help in this part of Lia's life.

2. After my glucose screening I was sick, sick, sick. Guess what that means? I failed. Now I get to go in on Monday for the three hour test. Bleck!

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