Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No pictures

My cell broke today which I use to take the majority of the pictures I post. So today there are no pictures. :( You'll have to wait even longer for Lia cuteness. The good news is that my phone is basically operational minus a few things.

In all honesty, I probably wouldn't have gotten a good picture of Lia today because she was in her Dr. Destructo mode. The one when she is on a mission to get out everything and play with nothing. It's the getting out that's the game. On days like that I get to play a continuous game of clean up. It's awesome.

Last bit of news is that since David didn't make it home until around 10 last night, I finished the back of Lia's sweater. I'm feeling uber-successful and will try to work on the front now that the laundry is going and Lia is napping.

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