Friday, August 5, 2011

My Hero

Lia is getting so very big but is still my baby in so many ways. She still likes to rock and sing, if she gets to choose the song and is in the mood. She still cuddles up on my lap and reads books, but has a tendency to throw them at me when I say it's time for a new one. She loves this cape, if you call her the king not the queen! I found this great poem (unknown author) and I think it explains it all perfectly...

I Love You

I am your parent, you are my child
I am your quiet place, you are my wild

I am your calm face, you are my giggle
I am your wait, you are my wiggle

I am your dinner, you are my chocolate cake
I am your bedtime, you are my wide awake

I am your lullaby, you are my peakaboo
I am your goodnight kiss, you are my I love you

I love you, Lia. ~Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Um, could she be any cuter? Seriously. Where are the puppies and the many rolls of toilet paper and the camera? Really.
